A note from Ed: I wanted to give a big thank you to 60 Minutes for highlighting the need to find and track asteroids. Everyone here at the B612 Foundation is grateful to have had this national attention, and the opportunity to explain our work to millions of people around...
Changing the course of the solar system: Dr. Ed Lu at TEDxMarin...
B612 Foundation on ABC World News, February 13, 2013. ...
B-roll footage with selected quotes from Sentinel Program Manager John Troeltzsch, CEO Dr. Ed Lu, and Mission Director Dr. Howard Reitsema....
B-roll footage with selected quotes from B612 Chair Emeritus and Co-founder Rusty Schweickart, CEO Dr. Ed Lu, and Program Manager Dr. Howard Reitsema. ...
B-roll simulation of the Sentinel Space Telescope as it orbits around the sun, including conceptual orbits of inner solar system asteroids....
Earth may have survived its close encounters with an asteroid and a meteor Friday, but the episodes focused new attention on gaps in astronomers' ability to identify smaller space rocks like these capable of inflicting widespread destruction. Efforts to better identify those threats are underway, including...