Ed Lu

T Astronauts point to next frontier: Stopping killer asteroids

For most people, going into outer space would be enough of a claim to fame — but the way astronaut Rusty Schweickart sees it, saving the world from killer asteroids is far more significant. "Apollo and Skylab were great experiences for me personally, but my NEO...

UN aims to fight asteroids, creates a global warning network

Even the United Nations is taking the threat of asteroids hitting our planet seriously. Last week, the U.N. General Assembly approved measures to coordinate detection and response to asteroid strikes that could level cities and possibly destroy our civilization. Specifically, the agency voted to create an International...

Global Effort Needed to Defend Earth from Asteroids, Astronauts Tell UN

NEW YORK — Members of the United Nations met with distinguished astronauts and cosmonauts this week in New York to begin implementing the first-ever international contingency plan for defending Earth against catastrophic asteroid strikes. Six of the space travelers involved in these U.N. discussions spoke about...

Global Effort Planned to Defend Earth from Asteroids

NEW YORK — Members of the United Nations met with distinguished astronauts and cosmonauts this week in New York to begin implementing the first-ever international contingency plan for defending Earth against catastrophic asteroid strikes. Six of the space travelers involved in these U.N. discussions discussed the...

United Nations adopts plan to defend Earth from threatening asteroids

The United Nations is to adopt an asteroid defence plan. The decision emerged following recommendations from concerned former astronauts, including Ed Lu, who suggested it was unacceptable that many people within the space industry only knew about the Chelyabinsk meteor because it appeared on their...

Association of Space Explorers (ASE)—Global Cooperation Needed To Counter Asteroids

The ASE Committee on Near-Earth Objects statement follows the United Nations General Assembly adoption of a suite of proposals to create an international decision-making mechanism for planetary asteroid defense. Five notable astronauts from three nations joined Neil deGrasse Tyson, Director of the Frederick P. Rose Planetarium,...

Asteroid Defense Plan Adopted By United Nations

The United Nations is adopting a plan to defend the world against threatening asteroids. The decision came after recommendations by former astronauts, including Ed Lu, who argued that the planet needs to be defended against potential rogue asteroids. Lu used the Chelyabinsk meteor as an example,...

How do you spot an incoming asteroid anyway?

They're dark, difficult to see from the surface of the planet, and there are a lot of them floating in the solar system. Scientists are now looking into new, higher-tech ways to find and track near-Earth objects, but for now, much of the hard work...