Ed Lu

Asteroid Institute has Launched!

We are excited to announce the launch of the Asteroid Institute at B612. This Institute is a dedicated scientific and technical academic program that will further our commitment to prevent asteroid impacts. The Asteroid Institute is set-up as a virtual organization that has a close...

Facing the Future of LSST Era Hazardous Asteroid Discovery

B612 Asteroid Institute’s Bryce Bolin Discusses the Future of Planetary Defense.   The B612 Asteroid Institute will be a virtual organization with a particularly close new working collaboration with Data Intensive Research in Astrophysics and Cosmology Center (DIRAC) at the Department of Astronomy of the University of Washington,...

Press Release: B612 Creates Asteroid Institute

New scientific and technical Institute to collaborate with major universities and research centers worldwide to protect the world from asteroid impacts SILICON VALLEY, CA  -- The B612 Foundation today announced the formation of a new science and technology institute dedicated to protecting Earth from asteroid impacts. Dr. Ed Lu, three...

B612 Looks Ahead in 2017 – Danica Remy

The field of planetary defense has grown dramatically since 2012, and the scope of B612's activities has grown along with it.  With a new year underway, I want to take a moment to recap a few milestones already achieved this year. I also want to report...

Asteroid Day in Luxembourg

February 15 Press Conference Provides Overview of Asteroid Day 2017 (June 30) Worldwide On February 15, 2017, Asteroid Day (a program of B612) hosted an international press conference in Luxembourg which brought together government officials, scientists, and experts in planetary defense to discuss the need for...

Asteroid Day at California Academy of Sciences

On June 30th, B612, Asteroid Day, and California Academy of Sciences teamed up for one of the world’s premier Asteroid Day events that featured a day of speakers and a night of asteroid-themed NightLife and adventures! The highlights of the day included presentations from renowned asteroid...

Changing the Course of the Solar System | Ed Lu

Ed Lu is an explorer whose quest is to map the unknown—whether by surveying the oceans at Liquid Robotics, leading Google Advanced Projects Team to map our neighborhoods, or his current work unveiling the secrets of the inner solar system with the Sentinel Mission. Ed...

What is Planetary Defense? | Rusty Schweickart

Rusty, an Apollo 9 astronaut, was the first Lunar Module Pilot on the mission. He co-founded B612 with Ed Lu, and served as its chairman until 2011. He is the founder of the Association of Space Explorers (ASE) and served as president of ASE-USA. He...

Our response to the NASA Planetary Defense Office

We have good news to report. The field of Planetary Defense has taken a step forward with the announcement of the formation of the Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO) within NASA. This new office was created in response to the highly critical report by the...

KERA Radio: Think with Krys Boyd

To Infinity, And Beyond! “As a NASA astronaut, Dr. Ed Lu has spent six months of his life on the International Space Station. And since then, he’s dedicated his career to opening up the possibility of space travel to the rest of us. So how much...