Gravity Tractor

Dr Ed Lu on Newsmakers on ABC, Yahoo! News

    "‘Playing Roulette with the Earth," Newsmakers on ABC News, Yahoo! News, February 14, 2013 Ed Lu, who has spent seven months of his life in space, can sometimes sound nonchalant about it. But he’s really not. “Yes, they managed to kick me off the planet three times,”...

Gravity Tractor

  B-roll footage with gravity tractor simulation....

Deflecting Killer Asteroid Could Be Geopolitical Nightmare

Humanity has the technical know-how to deflect a killer asteroid away from Earth, but whether the world can come together to pull it off in time is another matter. A looming asteroid strike would be a global problem demanding a complex and coordinated response, experts say....

FAQ on the Chelyabinsk Asteroid Impact

We have received a tremendous amount of inquires on the Chelyabinsk event last Friday. Board member Clark Chapman and CEO Ed Lu put together this FAQ for our community. As the world had two cosmic events in one day, we’re doing our best to bring you...

Asteroid Incoming!

A Joseph asteroid is barreling towards -- eight times faster than a speeding bullet passing closer to lessen the satellites that broadcast is very program. But were still on a crash course here's ABC's Neal Karlinsky. On a sliding scale of things -- ruin your...

To Save Earth From Asteroids, We Must Find Them Early

On Friday the 165-foot-diameter asteroid 2012 DA14 will pass by the planet just 18,000 miles above the atmosphere. The near miss of Earth is a dramatic reminder of the threat posed by its rogue relatives. Planetary scientists estimate there are close to a million near-earth...

NASA: Asteroid flyby next week is the closest ever of its size

A close encounter of the rocky kind is set for Feb. 15, when an office-building-size asteroid will speed past Earth faster than a bullet and closer than some communications satellites. It will be the nearest recorded brush with a space rock so large, NASA scientists said...

Asteroid activists launch fund-raising campaign for space telescope

Leaders of the nonprofit B612 Foundation today took the wraps off a campaign to fund and launch a space telescope to hunt for potential killer asteroids — a campaign they portrayed as a cosmic civic improvement project. Former NASA astronaut Ed Lu, the foundation's chairman and CEO, estimated that...