
T Astronauts point to next frontier: Stopping killer asteroids

For most people, going into outer space would be enough of a claim to fame — but the way astronaut Rusty Schweickart sees it, saving the world from killer asteroids is far more significant. "Apollo and Skylab were great experiences for me personally, but my NEO...

Dr. Ed Lu’s Congressional Testimony

  On March 21, 2013, Dr. Ed Lu spoke at a Senate subcommittee (U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation) hearing convened to discuss space-borne threats to human civilization....

Deflecting Killer Asteroid Could Be Geopolitical Nightmare

Humanity has the technical know-how to deflect a killer asteroid away from Earth, but whether the world can come together to pull it off in time is another matter. A looming asteroid strike would be a global problem demanding a complex and coordinated response, experts say....

Former astronaut Ed Lu on NASA and saving Earth from asteroids

Ed Lu Ph.D. 89 is a former NASA astronaut more recently known for his work as CEO of the B612 Foundation, which aims to “hunt asteroids that could hit the Earth and potentially cause human devastation.” Lu sat down with The Daily to discuss his...

A Warning From the Asteroid Hunters

The likelihood in this century of an asteroid impact with 700 times the destructive power of the Hiroshima A-bomb: 30%.   Dr. Ed Lu, Co-Founder and CEO of the B612 Foundation, and Lord Martin Rees, UK Astronomer Royal, outline the dangers of asteroids, but also the solutions...

Rock On

ASTEROID strikes are the ultimate in low-probability, high-impact events. NASA may soon have help—or competition—from the private non-profit B612 Foundation building the Sentinel spacecraft. And Sentinel, if it flies, won't cost taxpayers a penny.   Read the Article: "Rock On" The Economist (July 7, 2012) ...

NASA Advisory Council Report on Planetary Defense

NASA Advisory Council Task Force on Planetary Defense found that the most effective way to map asteroid threats and meet goals of the George E. Brown Act is with an infrared telescope in a venus-like solar orbit....

B612 Congressional testimony responding to NASA’s NEO Report

The long anticipated Congressional hearing on NASA’s NEO Report to Congress was held. NASA’s stated position on many controversial elements of its Report were substantially moderated in comparison to the plain reading of its Report, there is as yet no indication that NASA will either...

B612 Response to NASA’s 2007 NEO Report to Congress Stirs Controversy

B612 responds to NASA NEO report to Congress and points out technical flaws. NASA’s NEO report to Congress stirred considerable controversy due to both its rejection of Congress’s request for a recommended program to support the new Spaceguard Survey goal and its technically flawed deflection analysis....