
A Warning From the Asteroid Hunters

The likelihood in this century of an asteroid impact with 700 times the destructive power of the Hiroshima A-bomb: 30%.   Dr. Ed Lu, Co-Founder and CEO of the B612 Foundation, and Lord Martin Rees, UK Astronomer Royal, outline the dangers of asteroids, but also the solutions...

NASA: Asteroid flyby next week is the closest ever of its size

A close encounter of the rocky kind is set for Feb. 15, when an office-building-size asteroid will speed past Earth faster than a bullet and closer than some communications satellites. It will be the nearest recorded brush with a space rock so large, NASA scientists said...

Охотник за астероидами

25 января в штате Колорадо стартуют работы по созданию первого частного космического телескопа "Сэнтинел". Главной миссией "Часового" - именно так в переводе называется аппарат, строительство которого организовано некоммерческой организацией B612, - называется спасение всего человечества от удара из космоса. От каких именно угроз, а главное, как нас...

Asteroid Watch

An in-depth story about the threat of asteroids and the goals of the B612 Foundation to protect humanity and all that we cherish here on Earth. Read the Article: "Asteroid Watch" Smithsonian AIR & SPACE Magazine (January 2013)...

Ball Aerospace partners with B612 Sentinel Mission, asteroid mapping

Who will protect us from a killer asteroid? A team of ex-NASA astronauts and scientists thinks it's up to them. In a bold plan unveiled Thursday, the group wants to launch its own space telescope to spot and track small and mid-sized space rocks capable of...

Ball Aerospace & B612 Foundation Sign Contract for Sentinel Mission

BOULDER, Colo., Oct. 30, 2012 Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. and the non-profit B612 Foundation have signed a contract for Ball to create prototype infrared imaging sensors for the Sentinel Mission, a deep space mission to protect Earth by providing early warning of threatening asteroids. Ball’s...

Private space telescope could boost asteroid mining

B612 Foundation's Sentinel should discover 500,000 near-Earth space rocks The nonprofit B612 Foundation's Sentinel space telescope should discover 500,000 near-Earth asteroids within 5 1/2 years of its planned 2017 or 2018 launch, B612 officials say. Some of those space rocks may pose a threat to our planet down...

B612 Sentinel: The First Privately-Funded Deep Space Mission

This morning at the California Academy of Sciences, a team of former astronauts, space scientists, NASA alums, and other concerned citizens of the solar system announced an unprecedented initiative to place a solar-orbiting telescope in deep space. The B612 Foundation wants to map the inner...