
Asteroids: between a rock and a hard place

If you've ever stopped to peer with suspicion at the sky, wondering how that would go, a mammoth piece of space rock on its way in to bring ruin, the last two years have not been especially restful. In February 2013, a large asteroid ripped...

Ed Lu on NPR’s Talk of the Nation

Science Friday Ed Lu discussing Asteroid DA14, B612 Foundation and Sentinel Mission on NPR's Talk of the Nation.   ...

We Don’t Have to Play Cosmic Russian Roulette With Asteroids Anymore

Forget Armageddon, says Ed Lu. Forget sci-fi space shuttles. Forget burying nuclear bombs in comets. Forget all that. Asteroids are a real and potentially existential threat. But if we find them early enough, they’re fairly easy to deflect. With years or decades, instead of months...


Asteroids of various sizes whiz past our planet all the time. Some we know about, but many we don’t, and new ones are identified on an almost weekly basis. (In fact one such recently-discovered asteroid named 2014 HQ214, an object the length of an aircraft...

How Sentinel Will Work

  Ball Aerospace's video gives a great overview of the Sentinel Mission, including interviews with Dr. Ed Lu, Rusty Schweickart, Dr. Scott Hubbard and Ball's Program Manager John Troeltzsch....

Sentinel Animation 2

[vc_column_text width="1/1" el_position="first last"] Sentinel Animation 2 from Spine Films on Vimeo. [/vc_column_text]...

Sentinel in Space 1

[vc_column_text width="1/1" el_position="first last"] Sentinel in Space 1 from Spine Films on Vimeo. [/vc_column_text]...

Impact Video (en Español)

Watch and share the video below showing just how often Earth is hit by untracked asteroids....