Rock On

ASTEROID strikes are the ultimate in low-probability, high-impact events. NASA may soon have help—or competition—from the private non-profit B612 Foundation building the Sentinel spacecraft. And Sentinel, if it flies, won't cost taxpayers a penny.   Read the Article: "Rock On" The Economist (July 7, 2012) ...

Telescope aims to head off asteroids’ impact on Earth

With the space shuttle program over and private companies launching their own spaceships, it’s clear that nongovernment organizations are making a stir in America’s space race. Now the private sector is getting into the space telescope business, too. The first official entrant into this arena wants humanity...

Détecter les astéroïdes pour mieux protéger l’humanité

Les astéroïdes sont-ils une menace majeure pour l'humanité? À en croire l'ancien astronaute de la Nasa Ed Lu, la chose ne fait aucun doute. Il a donc décidé de lancer jeudi, via sa fondation B612 - du nom de l'astéroïde dont est originaire le Petit...

Asteroid activists launch fund-raising campaign for space telescope

Leaders of the nonprofit B612 Foundation today took the wraps off a campaign to fund and launch a space telescope to hunt for potential killer asteroids — a campaign they portrayed as a cosmic civic improvement project. Former NASA astronaut Ed Lu, the foundation's chairman and CEO, estimated that...

Asteroid Hunter to Be First Private Deep-Space Mission?

How the Sentinel (Asteroid Hunter) Mission will be the perfect storm in the first private deep space mission.There's no doubt about it that a properly designed, space-based observatory could rapidly find most of the near-Earth objects that could represent a potential threat to the Earth." Read...

Non-Profit Steps Up to Fill Killer-Asteroid Monitoring Gap

To combat a space-based threat, try a space-based solution. Non-profit B612 Foundation steps up to fill the killer-asteroid monitoring gap. Read the Article: "Non-Profit Steps Up to Fill Killer-Asteroid Monitoring Gap" WIRED (June 28, 2012)  ...