U.S. Government Updates Plan for Asteroid Impact Prevention by Dr. Ed. Lu

Asteroid Institute responds to U.S. Asteroid Defense implementation plan. In December 2016, the U.S. Government released its strategy document on preparing for and preventing asteroid impacts in which they outlined which government agencies would be involved in the planning for such an event, and the broad...

Press Release: B612 Asteroid Institute Provides Valuable Analysis to Discovery of ‘Oumuamua Asteroid

B612 Asteroid Institute Studies and Provides Data to 'Oumuamua Discovery [caption id="attachment_24497" align="aligncenter" width="550"] Illustration Credit: European Southern Observatory, M. Kornmesser[/caption]   SAN FRANCISCO, CA (December 5, 2017) -- Within days of the announcement by NASA's Minor Planet Center of the discovery of the first-ever interstellar object, 'Oumuamua,...

A Look at the 2017 Updated Report on the Threat Posed by Near-Earth Objects

Harold Reitsema, Asteroid Institute Mission Director, looks at the updated 2017 report from NASA on the threat from near-Earth objects (NEOs).   NASA's Near-Earth Object Science Definition Team has released an update to a previous report on the threat posed by near-Earth objects that was released in 2003[1]. This report provides a more thorough...

‘Oumuamua Mia! Studying the First Interstellar Asteroid

Bryce Bolin, Senior Researcher at B612's Asteroid Institute, discusses 1I/'Oumuamua, the first interstellar asteroid discovery, and how the Asteroid Institute team is studying it.  'Oumuamua Mia!   [caption id="attachment_24498" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Illustration Credit: European Southern Observatory, M. Kornmesser[/caption]   More than three weeks ago on October 18, 2017, the first interstellar object...

Asteroid Day Special Report | June 30, 2017

One Week to Asteroid Day! June 30, 2017   B612 is proud to be a founding partner of Asteroid Day. Asteroid Day is a global awareness campaign where people from around the world come together to learn about asteroids, the impact hazard they may pose, and what we...

Facing the Future of LSST Era Hazardous Asteroid Discovery

B612 Asteroid Institute’s Bryce Bolin Discusses the Future of Planetary Defense.   The B612 Asteroid Institute will be a virtual organization with a particularly close new working collaboration with Data Intensive Research in Astrophysics and Cosmology Center (DIRAC) at the Department of Astronomy of the University of Washington,...

Press Release: B612 Creates Asteroid Institute

New scientific and technical Institute to collaborate with major universities and research centers worldwide to protect the world from asteroid impacts SILICON VALLEY, CA  -- The B612 Foundation today announced the formation of a new science and technology institute dedicated to protecting Earth from asteroid impacts. Dr. Ed Lu, three...

Picture by Danica Remy
B612 co-sponsors the first Near-Earth Object Modeling Workshop

On October 3rd and 4th, B612 co-sponsored a Near-Earth Object (NEO) workshop at the University of Washington in Seattle. The workshop is the first time that members of B612’s technical team, researchers and scientists from the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), NEO researchers from NASA,...

B612 OpEd in Space News

B612 published an OpEd in Space News discussing the milestone reached with NEOCam and the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) potentially able to track 90 percent of asteroids larger than 140 meters and declaring our support for NEOCam’s construction. The full text is below: There is...