
Sentinel’s Goals

    B-roll footage with selected quotes from B612 Chair Emeritus and Co-founder Rusty Schweickart, CEO Dr. Ed Lu, and Program Manager Dr. Howard Reitsema.  ...

Dick Bingham Comments

    Comments from B612 Strategic Advisor Dick Bingham, Former Chairman of the California Academy of Sciences and President, American Industrial Partners....

B612 Sentinel Space Telescope

  B-roll simulation of the Sentinel Space Telescope as it orbits around the sun, including conceptual orbits of inner solar system asteroids....

Dr. Ed Lu’s Congressional Testimony

  On March 21, 2013, Dr. Ed Lu spoke at a Senate subcommittee (U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation) hearing convened to discuss space-borne threats to human civilization....

Detecting asteroids, meteors takes on new urgency

Earth may have survived its close encounters with an asteroid and a meteor Friday, but the episodes focused new attention on gaps in astronomers' ability to identify smaller space rocks like these capable of inflicting widespread destruction. Efforts to better identify those threats are underway, including...

FAQ on the Chelyabinsk Asteroid Impact

We have received a tremendous amount of inquires on the Chelyabinsk event last Friday. Board member Clark Chapman and CEO Ed Lu put together this FAQ for our community. As the world had two cosmic events in one day, we’re doing our best to bring you...

Vindication for Entrepreneurs Watching Sky: Yes it Can Fall

A group of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs who helped build thriving companies have put millions of dollars into the effort of asteroid defense and Ed Lu’s B612 Foundation is one. "Wouldn’t it be silly if we got wiped out because we weren’t looking?” said Edward Lu, a...