UN Releases Report on NEOs and Planetary Defense

Danica Remy

July 24, 2018

On Asteroid Day (June 30, 2018) the UN Office of Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) released a report titled “Near-Earth Objects and Planetary Defense.” This is a milestone in the global conversation about asteroids and defending our planet. We are delighted that UNOOSA used Asteroid Day to release this report. It is important because UNOOSA is working to ensure that all countries worldwide are aware of the risks of an asteroid impact; a goal B612 has advocated for since its founding in 2002.

The report also articulates the role of UNOOSA plays alongside two groups established to support the need for action on a potentially dangerous asteroid, the International Asteroid Warning Network (IAWN) and the Space Mission Planning Advisory Group (SMPAG).

We are pleased to see that the report also calls attention to Asteroid Day, which B612 co-founded and sponsors each year. The UN recognized June 30th as International Asteroid Day, a global day of awareness in 2016, just two years after it was founded.

Danica Remy