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ADAM Platform Recognized at AAS Division for Planetary Sciences

Asteroid Institute Senior Researcher Dr. Sarah Greenstreet presents ADAM-related studies   In 2018, the Asteroid Institute announced its partnership with Google Cloud Services Platform and Analytical Graphics Inc (AGI) on the Asteroid Discovery Analysis and Mapping (ADAM) platform. This partnership was a critical launching point for the...

Asteroid Institute
Preparing for the Next Disruption: Asteroid Detection is a Good Start

The COVID-19 pandemic taught us valuable lessons in hard-to-believe scenarios. What if it were an asteroid impact instead?   The turn of the decade brought hope for a promising future and human advancement. Then a global pandemic happened and suddenly we had a different goal: to survive....

Danica Remy at the 2021 Global Exploration Summit (GLEX)

Danica Remy, B612 President, spoke at the 2021 Global Exploration Summit (GLEX) hosted in Portugal on the importance of one day mapping the solar system. The annual GLEX Summit, co-organized by The Explorers Club and Expanding World, brings together the world’s leading explorers to showcase...