Asteroid Institute

Press Release: Asteroid Institute and Google Cloud Identify 27,500 New Asteroids

With advanced computational methods, the companies scanned billions of detections, discovering within weeks as many asteroids as were found worldwide in an entire year   MILL VALLEY and SUNNYVALE, Calif., – April 30, 2024 - Asteroid Institute, a program of B612 Foundation, and Google Cloud today announced...

THOR on ADAM Fact Sheet

  Asteroid Institute and Google Cloud Identify 27,500 New Asteroids, Revolutionizing Minor Planet Discovery with Cloud Technology FACT SHEET Technical Information What is the “title” announcement about in a nutshell? What has ADAM::THOR discovered in this analysis? How does this compare to other asteroid discovery efforts? How does the astronomical community track...

2023 Asteroid Institute Education Events

B612’s Asteroid Education program increases awareness about asteroids and science through public speaking and exposure in the media. In addition to Asteroid Day, in 2023 we shared stories about our work and why the world should learn more about asteroids. PRESENTATIONS + PRESS March | Dr. Ed...

2023 | Asteroid Institute | Annual Report

Asteroid Institute is one step further in the development of our Asteroid Discovery Analysis and Mapping (ADAM) platform, moving us closer to enabling the mapping of our solar system and advancing the rate of asteroid discovery. This past year, our engineers and interns have worked on...

Asteroid Institute | Launch of Precovery Service to Refine Orbits

Asteroid Institute is one step closer to creating a reliable and accurate asteroid discovery platform with the development of ADAM::Precovery, a tool to refine asteroid orbits. For both new and old discoveries, orbit refinement (improving the orbital fit by adding new observations) can help us...

B612 launches Schweickart Prize on 20th Anniversary

This past Asteroid Day (observed on June 30th worldwide) we celebrated B612’s 20th Anniversary and the launch of the Schweickart Prize at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. The prize, named in honor of renowned Apollo 9 astronaut and B612 co-founder Rusty Schweickart...

Asteroid Institute | IAA Planetary Defense Conference 2023

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Asteroid Institute team presented a poster on our automated Precovery service at the 2023 IAA Planetary Defense Conference in Vienna. The poster shows the Asteroid Institute’s work creating a continuous pipeline to search for new observations of...

Asteroid Institute | Kathleen Kiker on Precovery at 2022 LSST@Europe4

Asteroid Institute engineer Kathleen Kiker speaks on Precovery, a service of ADAM, at the 2022 LSST European Conference.     Asteroid Institute, a program of B612, and partner of LSST and the Vera C. Rubin Observatory, virtually joined speakers at this year’s LSST@Europe 4 conference in Rome, Italy....

Asteroid Institute | 2022 Fall UC Berkeley Interns

This fall, the Asteroid Institute (a program of B612) partnered with the University of California Berkeley’s Data Science Discovery Program and three of their undergraduate students to work on real-life problems that ultimately enhanced aspects of our Asteroid Discovery Analysis and Mapping (ADAM) platform. Tanay Bhadra,...