Asteroid Institute

CNN: Interview with Ed Lu on Asteroid Awareness

Ed Lu, Asteroid Institute Executive Director, was interviewed on CNN about asteroid awareness and planetary defense. Check it out to see him discuss humanity's current detection capability, recent impacts, and how B612 is working to solve the problem. (NOTE: This video is unavailable on Chrome...

Five-Year Anniversary of Chelyabinsk by Danica Remy

Today marks the five-year anniversary of the meteor that exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia. That meteor surprised the world, including the astronomical community. I’m sure you remember the footage from that day. On February 15, 2013 that small asteroid - approximately 20 meters in diameter -...

Leonard David Features B612 and Asteroid Institute on INSIDE OUTER SPACE

  [caption id="attachment_24688" align="alignleft" width="381"] Space rock slips by Earth. Courtesy: Texas A&M[/caption] Leonard David, a space journalist and author who has been reporting on space activities for over 50 years, featured B612 and the Asteroid Institute on his INSIDE OUTER SPACE website. Mr. David covers B612's progress in 2017...

2017 | B612 Foundation | Annual Report

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern" css=".vc_custom_1512558657854{margin-top: 50px !important;}"][vc_column][vc_column_text]This year marked a 15-year milestone since we began protecting the Earth from asteroid impacts. With the support of a worldwide community of donors, B612 has educated, advocated, and worked towards science and technology solutions...

Press Release: B612 Asteroid Institute Provides Valuable Analysis to Discovery of ‘Oumuamua Asteroid

B612 Asteroid Institute Studies and Provides Data to 'Oumuamua Discovery [caption id="attachment_24497" align="aligncenter" width="550"] Illustration Credit: European Southern Observatory, M. Kornmesser[/caption]   SAN FRANCISCO, CA (December 5, 2017) -- Within days of the announcement by NASA's Minor Planet Center of the discovery of the first-ever interstellar object, 'Oumuamua,...

A Look at the 2017 Updated Report on the Threat Posed by Near-Earth Objects

Harold Reitsema, Asteroid Institute Mission Director, looks at the updated 2017 report from NASA on the threat from near-Earth objects (NEOs).   NASA's Near-Earth Object Science Definition Team has released an update to a previous report on the threat posed by near-Earth objects that was released in 2003[1]. This report provides a more thorough...

‘Oumuamua Mia! Studying the First Interstellar Asteroid

Bryce Bolin, Senior Researcher at B612's Asteroid Institute, discusses 1I/'Oumuamua, the first interstellar asteroid discovery, and how the Asteroid Institute team is studying it.  'Oumuamua Mia!   [caption id="attachment_24498" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Illustration Credit: European Southern Observatory, M. Kornmesser[/caption]   More than three weeks ago on October 18, 2017, the first interstellar object...

Asteroids | Why We Need to Map the Inner Solar System

Financial Times published an article written by B612 president Danica Remy and Asteroid Institute executive director Ed Lu. The article advocates for mapping the inner solar system. In the article, Remy and Lu wrote: "Our priority for developing the space frontier is in building a comprehensive...

Picture of Ed Lu
Looking Back, Looking Forward. The Next 15 Years! by Ed Lu

The post is written by B612 Co-founder and Asteroid Institute Executive Director, Ed Lu. Ed is a NASA Astronaut and an explorer whose quest is to map the unknown—whether by surveying the oceans at Liquid Robotics, leading Google Advanced Projects Team to map our neighborhoods, or his...

B612’s 15th Birthday by Geoffrey Baehr

The post is written by B612 founding board member, Geoffrey Baehr. Geoffrey is a General Partner at Almaz Capital investing in areas ranging from security and networking to analytics and big data technologies. October 7 marked 15 years since B612 was formed to protect the Earth from asteroid impacts. Each...