Ed Lu

Press Release: B612 Asteroid Institute Provides Valuable Analysis to Discovery of ‘Oumuamua Asteroid

B612 Asteroid Institute Studies and Provides Data to 'Oumuamua Discovery [caption id="attachment_24497" align="aligncenter" width="550"] Illustration Credit: European Southern Observatory, M. Kornmesser[/caption]   SAN FRANCISCO, CA (December 5, 2017) -- Within days of the announcement by NASA's Minor Planet Center of the discovery of the first-ever interstellar object, 'Oumuamua,...

Asteroids | Why We Need to Map the Inner Solar System

Financial Times published an article written by B612 president Danica Remy and Asteroid Institute executive director Ed Lu. The article advocates for mapping the inner solar system. In the article, Remy and Lu wrote: "Our priority for developing the space frontier is in building a comprehensive...

Picture of Ed Lu
Looking Back, Looking Forward. The Next 15 Years! by Ed Lu

The post is written by B612 Co-founder and Asteroid Institute Executive Director, Ed Lu. Ed is a NASA Astronaut and an explorer whose quest is to map the unknown—whether by surveying the oceans at Liquid Robotics, leading Google Advanced Projects Team to map our neighborhoods, or his...

Piet Hut: The Birth of B612

October 7 marked 15 years since B612 was formed to protect the Earth from asteroid impacts. This week, five founding board members will each reflect on B612's 15 years, looking at the strides we've made in the field of planetary defense and where we want to go in...

Asteroid Day Special Report | June 30, 2017

One Week to Asteroid Day! June 30, 2017   B612 is proud to be a founding partner of Asteroid Day. Asteroid Day is a global awareness campaign where people from around the world come together to learn about asteroids, the impact hazard they may pose, and what we...

SpaceNews: B612 Studying Smallsat Mission to Search for Near-Earth Objects

  The newly announced Asteroid Institute was covered in Jeff Foust’s June 20th article in SpaceNews. The publication noted that the Institute’s work will support research on asteroid detection and planetary defense. Ed Lu, Executive Director of the Asteroid Institute, discussed that the Institute will focus its...

Asteroid Day, June 30, 2017: A Worldwide Event

Thanks to a growing partnership with the government of Luxembourg, Asteroid Day has moved its headquarters to Luxembourg City. On June 30th, Asteroid Day will be producing Asteroid Day LIVE from Luxembourg 24-hour live broadcast of general and technical programming about all things asteroid related. Ed...

Asteroid Institute has Launched!

We are excited to announce the launch of the Asteroid Institute at B612. This Institute is a dedicated scientific and technical academic program that will further our commitment to prevent asteroid impacts. The Asteroid Institute is set-up as a virtual organization that has a close...

Facing the Future of LSST Era Hazardous Asteroid Discovery

B612 Asteroid Institute’s Bryce Bolin Discusses the Future of Planetary Defense.   The B612 Asteroid Institute will be a virtual organization with a particularly close new working collaboration with Data Intensive Research in Astrophysics and Cosmology Center (DIRAC) at the Department of Astronomy of the University of Washington,...