Sarah Greenstreet

ADAM Platform Recognized at AAS Division for Planetary Sciences

Asteroid Institute Senior Researcher Dr. Sarah Greenstreet presents ADAM-related studies   In 2018, the Asteroid Institute announced its partnership with Google Cloud Services Platform and Analytical Graphics Inc (AGI) on the Asteroid Discovery Analysis and Mapping (ADAM) platform. This partnership was a critical launching point for the...

The Effect of Warning Time on the Deflection of Earth-Impacting Asteroids | ADAM

As an Asteroid Institute Researcher, I am studying how impacting asteroids need to be "nudged" (re: velocity change/ delta-v) to avoid hitting Earth. Through the Asteroid Decision Analysis and Mapping (ADAM) project, a Google cloud-based platform under development, I and colleagues simulate the impact avoidance of...

Asteroid Institute at LSST Solar System Science Collaboration

B612 Asteroid Institute attended the LSST’s Solar System Science Collaboration meeting on July 10-12, 2018 at the University of Washington in Seattle. The B612 Asteroid Institute’s development of the Asteroid Decision and Analysis Mapping (ADAM) platform is largely motivated by the upcoming Large Synoptic Survey...

Asteroid Institute Appoints First Senior Research Fellows

We are excited to announce the appointment of Dr. Sarah Greenstreet and Bryce Bolin as the Asteroid Institute’s first Senior Research Fellows. The fellows will study the application of new technologies for the discovery, tracking and potential deflection of asteroids under the direction of Dr....