asteroid science

Asteroid Discovery Analysis + Mapping (ADAM) | Project Update by Dr. Ed Lu

The B612 Asteroid Institute’s Asteroid Discovery Analysis and Mapping (ADAM) project continues to make progress. The acronym for our ADAM project has also evolved (replacing Machine with Mapping). This can be summarized by an article in the Financial Times on the need for mapping the...

Forbes Quotes Danica Remy about asteroids 2010 CO1 and 2000 QW7

“Remember that the Earth is largely covered by our oceans and is largely unpopulated,” says Danica Remy, President of the B612 Foundation she continued “so the probability of getting hit in your area is extremely low. But the fact is, we as human beings have...

Ed Lu on Protecting the Earth From Asteroids

Ed Lu sat down with Inside Edition to discuss the asteroid risk and what we can do to protect Earth. You can read the article and watch the interview here. ...

Understanding What it Takes to Divert Asteroids, by Dr. Ed Lu

Asteroid Institute Senior Researcher Dr. Sarah Greenstreet was the lead author on a recently submitted research paper entitled, “Required Deflection Impulses as a Function of Time Before Impact for Earth-Impacting Asteroids,” with contributors, Mike Loucks, John Carrico, Tatiana Kichkaylo, Mario Juric, and myself.  This paper...

Asteroid Map Fulfills Americans’ Highest Priorities for Space

A recent AP-NORC poll found two-thirds of Americans wanted the US space program to prioritize monitoring asteroids. The poll asked 1,137 American adults “How important is it for the United States space program to do each of the following?” and the top response was “Monitor asteroids,...

B612 Heads to Luxembourg to Celebrate Asteroid Day

On June 30th, the world came together to celebrate Asteroid Day's 5th anniversary in Luxembourg. B612 co-founders Rusty Schweickart and Dr. Ed Lu, along with B612 President Danica Remy, joined dozens of other asteroid experts from around the world for three incredible events.   Asteroid Day Technical...

Hayabusa-2 Lands First Robot Rovers on the Surface of an Asteroid

JAXA’s Hayabusa-2 mission recently achieved its objective of landing two robot rovers on the surface of the asteroid 162173 Ryugu. This is an exciting first, and a significant move forward to understanding what asteroids can teach us about the origins of our solar system. You can read...

United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs Report on Near Earth Objects

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Mapping the Final Frontier with ADAM

Dr. Ed Lu of the B612 Asteroid Institute, explains how mapping the inner solar system with the ADAM project can help us recognize asteroid threats and opportunities. With Asteroid Day 2018  just around the corner, Dr. Ed Lu recently spoke to PC Magazine about several...

Astronauts, Asteroids and Ed’s Vision by Danica Remy

I joined B612 five years ago because I wanted to be part of a global effort that was different, inspirational and pioneering. I wanted to be part of a movement that could literally change the world. At that point in my life, I wasn’t an...