News and Press

Engineering the Cosmos: The NASA DART Mission

By Peter Schwartz and Dr. Ed Lu Humanity is about to take an important step forward in our ability to protect planet Earth from asteroid impacts. The DART probe (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) will demonstrate a method of changing the velocity of an asteroid, a capability...

Asteroid Institute
2021 | Asteroid Institute | Annual Report

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text] Asteroid Institute publishes its 2021 annual progress report    In a year filled with continued transition and ultimately hope, the Asteroid Institute has, in many ways, mirrored those sentiments with our mission to increase the rate of asteroid discovery. We...

Asteroid Institute
DPS iPoster | The Asteroid Discovery Analysis and Mapping (ADAM) Platform

Presented at the 2021 conference of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society The Asteroid Discovery, Analysis, and Mapping (ADAM) platform   Sarah Greenstreet, Ed Lu, Mario Juric, Joachim Moeyens, and the Asteroid Institute team B612 Asteroid Institute, University of Washington   Abstract The B612 Asteroid Institute has developed the...

Asteroid Institute
Donor Spotlight | Meet Esther Dyson

"I believe that people who take the long view are the ones who actually change the future." ~Esther Dyson   We recently sat down with early Founding Circle member Esther Dyson to learn more about her commitment to space, solving problems and why she was an early...

B612 Donor Spotlight | Meet Rick Armstrong

We recently sat down with Asteroid Circle member Rick Armstrong, to learn a bit more about his connection to space, why he supports B612 and the Asteroid Institute and what inspires him. Tell our readers a little bit about yourself. What do you do for work?...

2020 | Asteroid Institute | Annual Report

In a year that can only be described as turbulent, we are happy to share progress and news in our 2020 annual progress report. This year required a lot of pivoting and uneasy transitions for our families, communities, and the world. The unprecedented events of...

Asteroid 2018 VP1 – So Close, Yet So Far Away by Allan Posner

Have you ever been asked a question to which your truthful response is: “Well, that depends…”?  It happens all of the time.  For example, your availability to meet with someone might depend upon factors as diverse as adjacent meetings, the weather, etc.  Sometimes, prediction is,...

Good News, 2018 VP1 Hitting Earth is Nothing to Worry About

While 2020 has handed out plenty of things to worry about, asteroid 2018 VP1 hitting Earth on November 2nd isn’t one of them. You’ve probably seen the sensationalist headlines of a potential Earth impacting asteroid heading our way on November 2, the day before the United...

B612 Sponsors Collaboration Focused on use of LSST Dataset

The ADAM research and development team participated in the LSST Solar System Science Collaboration (SSSC) Readiness Sprint 3. B612 Foundation has been a sponsor of the Solar System Science Collaboration (SSSC) sprints since their inception.  This support enables the collaboration to be prepared for when LSST...